Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tom Ford Objectifies Womans Bodies Essay - 937 Words

Lips, Neck, Breasts – all logical body parts to be shown in advertisements for cologne, right? Sadly, in today’s society, the answer is yes. We are bombarded on a daily basis with thousands of advertisements. They are impossible to avoid and even more impossible to ignore. Whether consciously or unconsciously what we see in these advertisements affects us as a culture. In many of these advertisements women’s bodies are dehumanized. In Jean Kilbourne’s article, â€Å"Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt,† she argues, â€Å"ads affect us in far more profound and potentially damaging ways. The way that ads portray bodies – especially women’s bodies – as objects conditions us to seeing each other in dehumanizing ways, thus â€Å"normalizing† attitudes that can lead†¦show more content†¦This picture is simply absurd because it is an advertising men’s wear. There is no reason for a woman to be naked in the picture, bu t she is. This promotes more than just men’s clothing, but promotes power over woman as well. The woman in the ad is looking at the man, while the man is completely consumed in the newspaper and is seemingly ignoring her presence all together. It expresses that the woman is strictly there for the pleasure of the man. She is of no use, but to iron his clothes and look aesthetically pleasing. Conveying this woman as an object sends a message out to people that all woman are here on Earth solely to please men. In culture today, this idea is widely promoted and increasingly acted on. If women are only here for the pleasure of men, they deserve no respect or empathy, making sexual aggression terribly common. In Kilbourne’s article she says, â€Å"all women are vulnerable in a culture in which there is such widespread objectification of women’s bodies, such glorification of disconnection and so much violence against women† (455). She is right on the mark when e xpressing the correlation between objectification and violence. The way our society dehumanizes women directly links the violence the women of our culture must endure. Tom Ford’s next disturbing advertisement is more direct in its expression of violence towards women. The ad shows a man with his handShow MoreRelatedThey Say Sex Sells By Looking At Tom Ford s Advertisement For His Menswear1380 Words   |  6 PagesThey say sex sells. By looking at Tom Ford’s 2007 advertisements for his menswear collection, sex is not only in the forefront but represents the message in this campaign. The advertisement chosen for this essay depicts a naked woman ironing the pants of a man whom, stylishly dressed, seems to pay no attention to her. She, on the other hand, appears to be relentlessly hoping for just a nod of his approval as she glares at him. 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