Monday, January 6, 2020

Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood Essay - 948 Words

Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood? Modernity is one of the most important periods in the human intellectual history. Philosophers and historians claim that it has started somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. Modernity is based on the project of â€Å"modernization† (rationalization and scientification of the world in order to make it a better place to live). This project was born in the middle of the Western civilization and it was considered that it is heading the only direction - towards the progress. That is why Europeans and Americans thought that the entire world should align them. A lot of children in different countries got access to the basic education and started spending a lot of their time in schools or other educational†¦show more content†¦In the last centuries and even millenniums, mother was the main person, caring about the child. She gave most of her material and emotional resources to bring up her children in a proper way. In the early year s, children spent most of their time with their mothers and learned about the world around with her support. In the past, women were mostly housewives, who spent most of her time at home with children (Sommer, p.38). However, in the begging of the 20th, situation changed dramatically, because of the process of institutionalization of the early childhood (by the kindergarten) and the rise of the women employment. This process was mostly typical for Western World; however, further it spread all over the world. This process was connected with the ways of civil rights protection movements all over the Europe and United States. As a result, a lot of women started to work, develop their career and socializing. They didn’t want to be housewives anymore and stay with the children: it was a reason for the development of pre-school education. Some researchers claim that children cannot grow up properly without the specific communication with their parents, especially in the early years. That is why many conservative politicians and thinkers have criticized emancipation of women as something ha rmful for children. Another important thing that influenced the modernShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Technology On Children s Toys1602 Words   |  7 Pagesday. Modern culture is also affecting childhood due to the exposure children get to inappropriate shows or content. Instead of going out and trying something today’s children would rather watch a video of someone else doing or trying that thing. This causes children to become unattached to the world and more plugged into technology. If children become more plugged in the have a higher chance of seeing or hearing inappropriate content. 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