Thursday, December 5, 2019

Politics for Democratic Leadership Style-

Question: Discuss about thePolitics for Democratic Leadership Style. Answer: 'During the past decade, autocracy promotion has been far more effective than democracy promotion.' Discuss. Autocracy is the system under which supreme powers stay with an authorised person. Under this system, promotional activities are quite easy because the person with supreme powers can perform the promotional activities, etc. in the market. Without taking permission from the government, no one can perform any activity that is against to the government (Tansey, 2016). The United Arab Emirates, Oman, North Korea, are some of the countries enjoying autocracy. This type of system is beneficial in various terms such as it reduces the conflicts situations, competition amongst the industries reduces and these are because for performing any trading activity, organizations need to take permission from the government authority and from permitting to introduce the new product in the market to ban the particular category in the market are only held with the autocratic leader. While it has been observed that various scholars have focused on the autocratic rule for international dimensions and with this effect, it has attained more academic currency (Bader, 2014). The promotion through autocratic type can be defined as exclusively as well as inclusively. Inclusive approach in the autocratic type of promotion holds all the external initiatives and with the effect of this, the international environment would be more hospitable. Autocracy has the wide scope to compete with the external forces and with powerful countries and it happens due to different ideologies. Autocratic type of promotion appears to be most convincing as it is result oriented and it also supports democratisation (Way, 2015). While democracy provides the right to speak and put their views on any person, authority, government, etc. In democracy, individual gets various rights from his birth such as righto speak, right to know, right to be informed, etc. In democracy situation, chances of threat occurrence increases and the disputes also rises. Due to different ideologies of the people and their rights leads to conflicts which sometimes results in big disputes and as the result, ultimately loss is to be beard by the public. Democracy promotion has various components such as while considering the best decision from the perceptive of best for everyone is selected on the basis of majority. Democracy is the sign of peace and they do not make war on other democracies. It provides the audience to live free and it also helps them to take the decision on the basis of their priorities (Burnell, 2010). Without any political pressure, individual, organization, society can choose the best for them. It also promotes nat ional economic development and with democracy is also being promoted at the international level in order to develop the whole world. This will be an advantageous situation as well as it will enhance the prosperity in the international market. While considering the democratic promotion, it gives the right to every individual the same living, trading, etc. types of rights; these rights are beneficial in terms of development and prosper with the whole country. In this type of system, controlling measures also exist in order to prevent the audience from the fraudulent activities, illegal activities, etc. Such democratic countries are USA, India, Japan, etc. and they all have developed a separate legal system for controlling such illegal and unethical practices in these countries (See, et. al., 2009). While comparing the democracy and autocracy, it has been observed that number of government bodies, internal-government bodies, semi-government institutes and the foundations are very high. This is because it promotes the democracy share of worlds regimes (Cherry, 2017). In the comparison between democracy and autocracy, Russia and China are biggest suspects in terms of autocracy. It has been considered as the Russia and China are ruling their countries on autocratic type of leadership; this has helped them to enhance their countrys growth. With the effect of this, China has attained the crucial positions in the international market; they had controlled their population growth, etc. Today, many big countries such as USA, Australia are approaching China for producing their products due to cheap labour cost, enhanced level of production, etc. India is another country of the same continent as of China struggling from the same situation of rapid increase in the population rate. Being a d emocratic country, they are unable to control the population rate while, being an autocratic country, China has implemented various policies in regards to control the population. They have implemented the rules that after one child, further children will not get right of education, right to get employment, etc. (Connectusfund, 2017). Democracy provides the clear vision of global transformation and in order to promote these goals, they do not hide their intentions of adaptation of western-styles in their countries. While semi-authoritarian and semi-authoritarian do not show their interests for adaptation of western cultures in terms of autocracy (Goleman, Boyatzis McKee, 2013). Being an autocratic leader, both Russia, as well as China, has developed their nations in such a manner that they are counted in the most powerful countries in current period. While, the country which was known for its supreme powers, USA is losing its position of being the most powerful country after adaptation of the democratic style. New emerging country with democratic style is North Korea but their supreme leader i.e. Kim Jong-un has adopted and implemented all those policies which are quite similar with the autocratic style (Hackman Johnson, 2013). Audience of North Korea needs to take permission before commencing any crucial activi ty before printing news, telecast of entertainment channels, etc. all are undertaken by this leader. This supreme leader cuts his hair by his own due to fear of murder. North Korea is challenging all the big and strong countries and they have made their country so strong that they are continuously testing nuclear bombs at the border of Japan and this is reason, Japan is facing various incidents of earthquakes and tsunamis (Hemlin, et. al., 2014). While autocracies promotes internal political arrangements and democracies used to adopt political systems as per their requirements (Komives Wagner, 2016). It has been proven that autocracies does not export the rules and the regulations while democracies do this. Autocratic countries have gained the growth and the value for their efforts made in the last decade whereas democratic countries have lost their positions and they were unable to impose controls on unethical activities, hence; this is the biggest reason for their failure. While democratic countries' audience has the right to live freely whereas, autocracies does not give the same rights to its audience. For instance, efforts made by Russia to counter the effects of orange revolution in Ukraine were refereed in that manner. In this scenario, Russia and their president Putin was found provoked by the US interference and with this effect, Russia chose to see the effect of colour of revolution in Serbia, Ukraine, and Georgia (Nahavandi, 2016). This was because the US was interfering in the internal affairs of Russia. Yet a positive challenge to global democracy promotion as in Putins Russia certainly sends indications of inspiration to authoritarian or semi-authoritarian leaders in other foreign countries. This does not essentially results, however, that they will be able to repeat Putins success ever (Northouse, 2017). According to Global Trends, till 2030 no country will be superpower country and all will be counted as hegemonic power. Apart from this, this report also describes that due to aging population, countries like USA and China will lose the position of largest productive country as well as they may face the situation such as scarcity of food and water. The USA is known for maintaining the largest military across the globe, they have nuclear bombs but other countries are also planning to do the same. Soon, they will get success in encoding the nuclear bomb codes and then the USA will be no more the only powerful country across the globe. It has been proven that with the time, threat of nuclear attack from the North Korea is increasing and it is officially announced by the Defence Minister of the USA. It is enhancing the threat of occurrence of world war because there are many countries which are in support of the USA whereas some autocracies and haters of USA are standing behind the North Korea. The defence minister of the USA has clarified that they will not bear the nuclear attack from the North Korea and that situation could lead to hazardous results for North Korea as well as for its neighbour countries. Hence, it has been proven that autocracies lead to threats and disputes at the international level whereas democracies resolve these type of issues through various modes such as compromising. Many agencies and scholars have advised that autocracies ideology should be kept aside from the other contemporary developments. To enhance and to promote this autocracy in the international market, various other ways which are used to enhance the democratic progress across the globe are the major factors have led to broad the international system. For instance, there is a rumour in regards to the international financial crisis that whether it will decline the global image of the democracies or it will enhance its value in the global market. This rumour is spreading its wings due to continuous failure of financial institutions and the national regulatory frameworks in the democracies. While comparing the progress of autocracies and the democracies, China was found as the model for other autocracies in terms of maintaining the impressive economic performance and India did the same being the largest democratic country in the global market. Thus, both styles can be adopted in order to a ttain the competitive advantage in the global market but autocracies have been proved as the more effective in terms of promotion in the past decade (Technofunc, 2017). References Bader, J., 2014. China, Autocratic Patron? An Empirical Investigation of China as a Factor in Autocratic Survival. International Studies Quarterly: 1-11. Burnell, P., 2010, Is there a new autocracy promotion?, Fride. Cherry, K, 2017, What is democratic leadership, Assessed on 28th October 2017, Connectusfund, 2017, 8 advantages and disadvantages of democratic leadership style, Assessed on 28th October 2017, Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E. and McKee, A., 2013,Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence, Harvard Business Press. Hackman, M.Z. and Johnson, C.E., 2013,Leadership: A communication perspective, Waveland Press. Hemlin, S., Allwood, C.M., Martin, B. and Mumford, M.D. eds., 2014,Creativity and leadership in science, technology, and innovation, Routledge. Komives, S.R. and Wagner, W.E., 2016,Leadership for a better world: Understanding the social change model of leadership development, John Wiley Sons. Nahavandi, A., 2016,The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition, Pearson. Northouse, P.G., 2017,Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice, Sage Publications. See G. Williams, A. Duncan, P. Landell-Mills and S. Unsworth, 2009, Politics and Growth, Development Policy Review, vol. 27 (1), pp. 531. Tansey, O, 2016, The problem with autocracy promotion, Journal Democratization, vol. 23 (1), pp. 141-163. Technofunc, 2017, Democratic leadership, Assessed on 28th October 2017, Way, L.A., 2015, The limits of autocracy promotion: The case of Russia in the near abroad, European Journal of Political Research, vol. 54 (4), pp. 691-706.

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