Monday, November 4, 2019

Totalitarianism - World history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Totalitarianism - World history - Essay Example Some of the popular totalitarian leaders such as Hitler of Germany and Stalin of Soviet union can be used as an example of those who used special secret police to spy on and punish those who criticized their authority. Hitler used the Gestapo to punish those who went against the Nazi ideologies (Lloyd 2011). As stated earlier, totalitarian rule does not accord any importance to basic human rights. In Germany for example, Hitler blamed the Jews for the increased unemployment rate in the country, which was untrue as such was as a result of the great depression in 1930s. Consequently, thousands of Jews were incarcerated without fair trial and others were murdered in the process. Stalin on the other hand introduced collective farming, which forced numerous peasant farmers to give up their land, a policy which was highly criticized and which led to massive killings of those who opposed it. Freedom of expression in such a rule is also hard to find as the ruling party takes control of all m edia, in order to ensure that reporting is done in a biased manner favorable to the government.

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