Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries in Teaching Case Study

Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries in Teaching - Case Study Example Teachers are also governed by boundaries. Boundaries are usually driven by social ethics. Boundaries, roles and responsibilities are qualities within which a teacher’s operations are assessed. Their success in their work is usually reflected by their teaching or training cycle. Generally, teachers should provide a communication means with students in which they find it easy and efficient to communicate and relate to the topics in the study course. The responsibilities and roles vary with time and results from assessments. Results and recommendations from prior assessments are incorporated in the development of new teaching skills and responsibilities. According to Wallace (2007), teachers should have the role of creating a safe learning environment and establishing open and trust relationships with learners. By recording results and assessments, it helps a teacher to keep an update on the changes among the learners which may be useful in setting future objectives and aims (Bid well, 2001). Teachers should take up the role of identifying the need of both the institution and learner. After identification, they should come up with a working framework that suits a learner efficiently and within the stipulated needs of the institutions. The working framework should also be according to the syllabus. Identifying of needs also gives the recommendations on individual or group learning for specific students.

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